
Monday, December 10, 2012

10 Foods for Depression Fun

Some people fall into depression and lose their appetite.  Unfortunately, this is not the case for me.  As some of you know, I've been battling depression for the past several months.  When I’m down, I eat.  This causes a terrible cycle of feeling terrible.  See, I’m a firm believer that if I was one of those non-eating depressed people, at least I’d have a nice slim body to admire in the mirror and possibly this would lift my mood.

Please know I am not saying that slim depressed people have it better.  Depression in all of its manifestations of behavior is a harrowing existence.  Even more distressing is when one knows what makes one feel better and is unable to do it…due to the paralysis of depression.  It’s an evil, evil thing. 

This leads me to this week’s topic for Monday Listicles: Food.  The topic was suggested by blogger extraordinaire, Beth.  The leader of Monday Listicles, Stasha, has instructed that the topic is open to interpretation.   So, I chose to share with you the 10 foods that keep me physically filled-out while I am depressed.

10 Foods for Wallowing in Depression

1. Salt and Vinegar Chips

I seriously considered moving 55 miles east to Zanesville, Ohio where Conn's Salt and Vinegar chips are made.  They are by far, the best Salt and Vingar chip ever made.  I know, because I've tried them all.

2. Peanut Butter

My favorite way to eat this creamy goodness is with a spoon right out of the jar, but there are several ways to enjoy this luscious nut meal:  on warm toast, as an apple dip, smothered on top of an Oreo cookie.  Ironic that this spread was first introduced in the United States to sanitarium patients by Dr. John Harvey Kellog.  If those patients had the same experience that I do when eating peanut butter, it was the one time during their day in which they felt sane.

3. Nutella
                                                                                 Source: via Sperk* on Pinterest

Nutella has become quite popular as I have noticed many Nutella based goodies, like the fudge pictured above, posted on Pinterest as of late.  But I've been digging into jars of Nutella for years.  I don't have the discipline to cook or bake with it.  The most patience I have is waiting for the toast to pop from the toaster and quickly getting that spread applied to assure a tremendous amount melting of the chocolate-hazelnut goodness onto my hot flaky bread.  (Did you know Nutella was created by a pastry maker during World War II due to the shortage of chocolate?)

4. Hummus and Pita Chips

When I bring home hummus and pita chips from the grocery store on Monday, they are gone by Monday night.  I've turned out the entire family.  And if the pita chips are gone before the hummus, scooping it out with your finger not only gets you more of the yummie goodness, the rest of the family runs away from the table in horror, leaving you alone with your hummus.  Perfect.

5. Fancy Creamers

Coffee-mate has made luxurious dairy flavorings accessible to the common folk and I couldn't be happier.  My condition of lactose intolerance is not a hindrance to me enjoying these feel-good flavors added to my favorite anti-depressant, coffee.  Oh sure, there's tons of sugar and fat, but remember, I'm depressed.  And, if you look carefully in your grocery's dairy section, there are now a few fat-free and sugar-free varieties   Plus, if you can't figure out how to make these yummie liquids work for you, the Coffee-mate website has recipes.  Yes, recipes.  I see no need to go beyond "pour half the bottle into coffee and stir", but whatever.

6. Pizza

My lactose intolerant gut always fails to send the "DO NOT EAT" message to my eyes when I see pizza flashing in a television commercial, staring from the grocer's freezer, or delightfully offering coupons via the mailbox.  And there are always excuses to order pizza: no time to cook, the girls would love me more, the football game is on, girls have friends coming over, etc.  My pizza of choice: The Works from Papa John's.

7. Ice Cream

Yes, there is such a thing as dairy free ice cream, but it doesn't taste good.  Yes, you have read correctly in the above points.  I am lactose intolerant.  I love ice cream.  It makes me feel good.  And the tumultuous gas it causes provides me an excuse to hide away alone in my room, which fits perfectly with being depressed.  Of course my favorite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby due to the "fudge covered PEANUT BUTTER filled pretzels in vanilla malt ice cream rippled with fudge & PEANUT BUTTER."

These belly killers are for when I am at the lowest of my lows.  Brought to you directly from the convenient store just a few block away.
This one I can pass off as a good meal choice for the entire family.  Really, it's just creamy-good comfort food.

This one can also be passed off as a good meal choice for the entire family.  The key is to only make it when family is around.  Otherwise, it becomes and over-sized pan to enjoy on my own during a marathon of America's Next Top Model (if I actually watched such a horrific soft-porn flick being passed off as a reality show).  

What are your go-to foods when you're feeling bad?

See how other fabulous bloggers interpreted "FOOD" for Monday Listicles!

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!

photo credit: yewenyi via photopin cc
photo credit: brianc via photopin cc
photo credit: newwavegurly via photopin cc
photo credit: Scorpions and Centaurs via photopin cc
photo credit: roboppy via photopin cc
photo credit: rick via photopin cc
photo credit: inazakira via photopin cc
photo credit: LostinTexas via photopin cc


  1. I'm down with peanut butter but prefer Skippy to Jif AND pizza always does the trick. I eat when I'm not feeling well or if I'm feeling good, if I'm sad or happy, joyful or depressed. Unfortunately, I eat all the time. It's a problem.

    1. I am familiar with the problem. Shame we need the stuff to survive.

  2. Wow! So many but here cream, cookies, chips, french fries, pizza, Hershey bar dipped in peanut butter. Oh and I can't forget mashed potatoes and gravy.

    1. Oh, I forgot about french fries. I used to put gravy on the fries. The best.

  3. HA HA HA! I love the last 2...they made me laugh out loud! :) I happen to be a huge fan of special creamers, too! They are SO tasty! :)

    1. Yes, the special creamers are so, so good. You can even add them to a glass of milk, stir, and you have a malty milk thingie. yup.

  4. I don't think I really eat any differently when I'm feeling down, but MORE. :) I eat PB straight from the jar sometimes, too. Yesterday, I found a jar of Natural PB with honey (Skippy, I think). I can't wait to dig into that jar!

    1. I hear you on the quantity of consumption being on the increase. I try to buy small single serving packages when available just for that very reason. They even have PB in single serving snack packs now!

  5. The Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips are at the top of my list.

    So very good.

  6. I'm really more of a depression drinker but...

    peanut butter
    pumpkin pie (okay, I eat that even when I'm not in the hole)
    raw biscuit dough

    1. Ooooo, raw biscuit dough could really be soothing. ;)

  7. Interesting factoid about peanut butter. One of my favorite things is homemade chocolate covered peanut balls. Yum!! So sorry about the lactose intolerant bit. My husband doesn't eat wheat or dairy, and it's a pain in the neck!!

    1. It is a pain, especially when I choose to eat it anyway.

  8. Ah, this explains my liking for peanut butter! I also eat more the worse my depression/anxiety is. The resulting weight gain does NOT help matters.

  9. (sigh)There's so much I want there. So, so much.

  10. My friend and I used to call those creamers "special moments," b/c they reminded us of those special coffee commercials - I can't remember the name but it was a mix in water kind with sappy commercials. ANYWAY...

    1. I remember those. Was it Nescafe? I used to drink those, too!

  11. I have to disagree with your comment on non dairy ice cream not tasting good. I love So Delicious brand ice cream, either the coconut milk or soy milk version.

    1. I will look for the So Delicious brand and give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.

  12. Oh man, you have some of my favorites on here - hummus and pita chips, pizza and ice cream, yes! Strawberry Twizzlers are on my list as well. All the foods that trigger the "feel good" section in our brains :)

  13. oh great list! Although I'm not a fan of burritos, I hate beans!

  14. So sorry depression has its grips on you, but it hasn't strangled your wit. You made me laugh and educated me (who knew about Nutella's origins and spreading PB on Oreos?.

    And Stouffer's Chicken Enchiladas is my go to lazy meal. How did you manage to make it look so gross? :)

    Now excuse me while I go spread some peanut butter on a waffle. (Waffle is code for a sleeve of Oreos, just to be clear.) Ellen

  15. I eat when I am happy and sad. Same foods too ;) hope you cheer up over the holidays. A jar of Nutella should do the trick...

  16. I wish I didn't want to eat during depression too. Either way it sucks. To drown out depression in food is so comforting for those moments though. Your list is spot on.


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