
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday's Woman: You Can Be Transformed

One aspect of Wednesday's Woman I cherish is getting to know guest bloggers.  Typically, I find them as inspiring as the women they honor.  Today is no exception.

These are the words from today's guest, Marcia, from Finding Felicity:

Writing has helped me in numerous ways and I hope some of my posts are able to help you feel anything that leads you to peace.  Love, interconnectedness, trust, hope, joy, fulfillment, forgiveness, encouragement, support, on and on.  I'm here for you and appreciate you being there for me.

I am grateful for Marcia's willingness to share the following story.  It is nothing less than inspiring and timely for those who need a little reminder that it's never too late to commit to a New Year's resolution.  It's never too late to commit to life.

Find Felicity at her Blog and follow her on Twitter!

Wednesday's Woman: Kathy Freston

My introduction to this week's Wednesday's Woman was on The Ellen Show. Ellen introduced this woman who was assigned to assist a family change their eating habits to lose weight and feel healthier. Out walked this beautiful blonde woman. She was excited and thrilled to be with this family and showed a genuine enthusiasm for just being there.

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A few months later I saw the follow up. The excited mom was talking about how much weight she lost, her energy levels sky rocketed, and her relationship with her daughters and husband was better than ever. Bitterness was a main theme in my life back then so I credited the family's success to a team of helpers (nutritionist, chef, etc...which I'm not sure they had) and the accountability of being on national television. That's the main reason why I didn't seek this woman out. Her joy and energy were convincing but my cynicism was even more convincing.

So fast forward to a year later and I'm at the library. I see a book with a picture of this same woman I saw on Ellen. It's on sale for $2. I begrudgingly buy it. I tell my sister in a snotty voice, "I'm only going to read this if this woman is over 37. I saw her on Ellen and she was transforming a family's lives by their eating habits. She is gorgeous and seemed so happy. Too happy. But who wouldn't be that happy if they are a famous and beautiful star?" I googled her age and she was jaw droppingly older than I thought.

So I read the book. And it changed my life. She transformed me. I am *forever* grateful. 

Your Wednesday's Woman is Kathy Freston. She is a best-selling author and health and wellness expert that has been featured on Oprah, Ellen, The View and many more accredited sources.

She has written a handful of books including, Quantum Wellness, the book that changed my life. An insert from the book,

"Quantum wellness isn't about deprivation and it's not about perfection. It is about pointing yourself in the direction of growth, training yourself to get comfortable with your highest potential, and then taking small steps to support that shift." 

Kathy gives easy steps, suggestions and personal examples on how to gently transform your life. She highlights forgiveness, kindness, and setting intentions. She writes like how a close confidant would speak to you and backs up her advice with scientific facts.

One of the most transforming parts of the book I put into action was a 21 day dietary cleanse. This cleanse assisted in a 43 lbs weight loss due to eliminating emotional eating, knowledge of what different foods did to my system, and tapping into an unbelievable source of clean energy from the improved diet. Not just dietary, Kathy also suggests that while you remove some unhealthy foods you remove clutter from your home (trust me, you will have the energy) and negative and/or deprecating thoughts. Clean body, clean house, clean is beyond blissful!

Kathy Freston helps you to help yourself, which directly improves every aspect of your life and the lives you touch.

When the opportunity to write a Wednesday's Woman was presented there was no hesitation of who it would be about. I told Kimberly, from Sperk*, I wanted to reread the book just for a refresher. It's amazing to see the changes Kathy speaks about in the welcome as parts of my life now, a year after initially reading it.

If you are interested in purchasing the book, Quantum Wellness, please do so in the Books section of my blog, Give Felicity. Further details at the link explain that all affiliate money will go directly to purchasing the book for others interested in owning it.

You can also sign up for "The Daily Lean" which is a free email From Kathy Freston that is delivered weekdays around 9 am. Not only does she send you inspiration, but also healthy recipes and obscure nutrition information. Each email takes as much time to read as it does to brush your teeth. I guarantee these messages will stay with you longer than the minty taste in your mouth does!

Thank you so much to Sperk* for the opportunity to share Kathy Freston as a Wednesday's Woman. I truly hope she can inspire some of you as she has me.

Leaning into your life: Kathy Freston at TEDxFremont

Wednesday's Woman is a weekly feature dedicated to spotlighting women who are role models for our daughters. . . and the world.

photo credit: thephotographymuse via photopin cc

photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc


  1. Thank you so much for the beautiful introduction, Kimberly! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this piece and finally feel Kathy Freston is getting the proper amount of credit for all of the positive changes She encouraged.

    Thanks to all of Sperks* loyal readers for reading my piece!

    1. So glad to have found you, Felicity! I am going to get the book. This is truly an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it here.

  2. Awesome Wed. Woman, I love everything about this! Felicity is a beautiful gem, her blog and writing is so warm and stays with you. This post is another example of her amazing spirit and heart. I also read Quantum Wellness about a year ago and actually just picked it back up from the library yesterday for a refresher. Reading this book is truly a gift you give yourself. Kathy Freston gives so much information and inspiration and truly gets the "wholeness" of being well and happy - the body, mind and spirit all must be nourished and cared for. Love the Ted Talk video as well - you did it again Kim!

    1. Thanks, Anna. I'm seriously getting the book. I have to. I'll keep you updated and surely will refer to your posts on meditation and yoga. Love you.

    2. Did that "love you" seem weird? Should I have said, "you're the greatest?" Am I just too terribly insecure? :)

  3. Yay! Get the book and let me know what you think. I agree with Felicity, it's awesome, inspiring and can be life changing. I love - love! So...not weird to me and very, very welcome and appreciated :) Love to YOU!


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