
Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day: What I Want and Do Not Want

It is rare that Valentine’s Day is remembered in this house.  My kids no longer exchange cards at school and last week when I asked my significant other if he knew my favorite flower he choked.  He didn't realize I was actually hinting that Valentine’s Day was forthcoming.  So, I imagine the holiday of love will once again pass without acknowledgement.

However, if for some reason someone remembers Valentine’s Day, here’s what I would want and what I would not want.

8 Things I Want for Valentine’s Day

1. A winning lotto ticket – Can you say, “Bills paid, yay!”

2. Vases full of tulips in every room – Yes, they are my favorite flower.  Significant Other, please take note.

3. My car tuned up – It rattles and hums, which is much better coming from U2.

4. My house completely cleaned – Like walls washed down, baseboards and floors from which food could be eaten.

5. Dogs groomed - They stink.  Do you hear me?  They smell.

6. Laundry put away – I have failed to put away my laundry for two years.  I need help.  Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity for someone to say, “See, I noticed such a dreary task is beneath you.  You are now off the hook.”

7. Handmade Cards – They are the best.  Especially the ones with lovely prose extolling my greatness.

8. Someone to join me at the dance mob for One Billion Rising at Otterbein University.

2 Things I Do Not Want for Valentine’s Day

1. K-Y Yours+Mine – No, no, no. Not until the things I want, listed above, have been given.

2. Chocolate – Right. Creativity turns me on.  Chocolate is not creative.

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!
photo credit: Rinoninha via photopin cc


  1. I would definitely accept a winning lottery ticket for Valentines day.

    We don't really celebrate it in my family, but I would be super happy if my husband did the dishes.

    1. I don't think doing dishes is too much to ask. What's his FB? I'll send a hint. :) (of course, I'm kidding, but any way I can help, I'm here).

  2. Tulips are my favorite flower too. Love how you wrote Significant Other, take note. I think that is how I am going to refer to my husband from now on. Love how the Things You Don't Want are conditional - acceptable only once the Things You Do Want are met. Oh and, I don't often like to do this but since it relates:

    1. You can leave your links here anytime, my dear. Going there now and appreciate you visiting. If I could draw a tulip here I would. :)

  3. These are indeed interesting lists.

  4. On your list of 8 & 2 things, I could say the same exact things - except for two of them. #3 - not necessary, because my car is already tuned, and #8, because I just don't know what that thing is. Great list :)

  5. This was my favorite list by far. #6 and #8 are my favorites! Erin

  6. 8 is very cool, you can be creative with chocolate LOL

  7. 1,6 and 7. I'll join in the dance mob. I'll be the one with the attached heating pad. That ok?

  8. Lol - I love how cleaver your list is! I think everyone in the house should either take turns or pick a pile and start putting clothes away - after they make cards and get those flowers arranged nicely :) Hope you have a great Valentines Day Kim!

  9. Ha! Well I hope you get To give K+Y as a reward for good behavior ;) Happy lovers day Kimberly!


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