
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 That Smell Good

I started a new gig as a nanny yesterday.  Hence, Monday Listicles is coming to you on Tuesday.  My being late isn't unusual, but at least I have a semi-good excuse this time.

The theme for Listicles this week is favorite smells.  As I composed my top ten, I became very grateful--grateful to have smelled each and every one of these things at some point in my life, and some still to this day.  Here's to good memories, the good smells that take us back, and the ones that provide us happiness in the present.

10 Best Scents

1. New shoes
2. Interior of a new car
3. Lavender in the garden, in candles, soap, shampoo . . . anywhere
4. Fresh cut grass
5. Freshly laundered sweaters and blankets
6. Jasmine in the garden
7. Each member of my family just after they have showered
8. The ocean
9. Eucalyptus trees
10. Any product from Aveda

What's your favorite scent?

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!
photo credit: marcovdz via photopin cc


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love your #1 and #5 as well, fresh, soft blankets right out of the dryer smell so good.....lavender is lovely as well. What an awesome, relaxing sounding list :)

  3. I like lavender too. I'm imagining what that picture must smell like.

  4. Oh wow - now I am really curious to see what a eucalyptus tree smells like...


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