
Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Listicles Make Me Proud

I made it through January and February.  I'm proud.  

Here's a list of 10 other things for which I feel pride and have nothing to do with winter in Ohio:

1. and 2.  My daughters, Sophia and Antonia (in no particular order) 

3.  Graduating, Magna Cum Laude, from college

4.  Working to end the cycle of abuse within my family 

5.  Being recognized by the Columbus Museum of Art for two Instagram photos

Sperk* on Instagram
6.  Mad SongPop skills

7.  My ability to dance

8.  Somewhat neglected as of late, Sperk* (especially Wednesday’sWoman)

9.  My ability to apply full make-up in five minutes

10. You

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!


  1. Oh, Sperk, seriously, every time you write something, it jus makes us love you more. I started writing down all of the numbers I liked and it's all of them! Congrats on numbers 1-5!!! And number 10 made me tear up a little. Thank you! Needed that today, Erin

  2. Thanks my friend. And so much to be proud off. Love that Columbus museum featured you.congrats!!!!


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