
Monday, April 29, 2013

Acronyms: "Mom, Nobody Uses Those Anymore!"

My writing chops are a little rusty.  I can feel it. 

Apparently, my knowledge of acronyms is terribly dated as well.  I can feel that, too—especially when my daughter, upon reading my text, exclaims, “Mom! LOL? Nobody uses that anymore!”

No worries.  I am a Lady in the Know at Ladies Holiday.  I am honored to take up a little room at their space, so check it out.
Ladies Holiday

Now what about those acronyms which just happen to be today’s theme at Monday Listicles

Well, for that, I had to ask my daughters (who are 12 and 14, arguably more in the know than I) for input.  The consensus was that really, no one uses them at all anymore.  They are a thing of the past. 

I didn't believe it. 

With a little prodding, I got my girls to help me compile a list.  Here’s what we came up with:

10 Acronyms We Still Use 
(even though nobody really uses them anymore)

LOL – According to my 14 year old this acronym for laugh out loud is no longer used as a way to express the fact that one is laughing.  She said it is used to make a statement less awkward, like, “I saw you at the store, LOL.”

LAWLZ – Apparently this is the new LOL.  What each letter stands for is unknown to anyone in this household.  I would guess the L’s stand for laugh and loud.  The rest is up for interpretation.

HBU – 14yo still uses this one for how ‘bout you, confirming the fact that teenagers exaggerate (see title).

SMH – I have seen this one in my 14yo’s Instagram feed.  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it meant and had been dying to ask her.  I hesitated for weeks because I was afraid it was something wacky and inappropriate.  Nope.  It’s harmless: shake my head.

TBT – Another one from Instagram: Throwback Thursday

IDK – Oldie but goodie: I don’t know

BRB – Be right back, respectively submitted by my 12yo.

JK – Just kidding, respectively submitted by my 12yo.

CSA – I usually use it with a hashtag in front of it and the word 'survivor' behind it: child sexual abuse.  (Uncomfortable?  Statistics point to CSA being an epidemic.  Do something).

HALT – I love that this was the first acronym my girls reminded me of upon asking them for help with this list.  It’s one I learned in recovery and have taught them to use to discern their moods: hungry, angry, lonely, tired.  If they seem annoyed or down, I’ll ask “How many letters do you have in HALT?  How can you take care of it?”

Here’s to HALT and here’s to you, LOL. (Yes, I’m trying to end this post with as little awkwardness as possible.)

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!
photo credit: See-ming Lee 李思明 SML via photopin cc


  1. I learned a new one and appreciate the wisdom of HALT! Not sure how you did it, but this is very funny and very serious simultaneously. Also very awesome!

    1. I don't know how I did it either. I do know that I officially love you. Seriously. XOXO (not acronym, just safe affection)

  2. Love the feedback from your daughters! I did not know how uncool my use of acronyms was until I read this post. ;)

    1. Hi Adrienne! Anything we do is uncool to the teens. No worries. As I always tell them, "be yourself!" :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I'm obsessed with finding out what LAWLZ stands for now - lol! Oops, see how uncool I am? :) Laughing at what's linked/listed is all I could find - but what about the Z?!?! Anyway, happy blogging and I love your list and input from your daughters!

    1. I have resigned to the fact that to my teens I am uncool. Period. But, I know they love me. I think. Happy blogging to you, too! xo

  4. Let me know what you find out about LAWLZ!

  5. I love the HALT. That actually works for wee ones, too, sense that tends to cover their range of emotions. Ditto My Whacamole Life - you made it funny and touching, all at the same time. That's how you get attention! lol ;)

  6. I had never heard HALT either, Sperk. But seriously, this is all kinds of awesome! Loved it. Worked my heart and my brain, Erin

  7. I COMPLETELY understand what you mean about SMH...I'd see it everywhere - on Twitter, under Facebook pictures...I had no clue what it meant, and had to ask one day. I would have never guessed it. I love LOL, and probably use it daily in texts, emails, social media statuses....I have NEVER encountered HBU before so I learned something new today. Great list.

    Happy Belated Listicles Monday.

    Yona from


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