
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Save It for Later: Mother's Day

In Save It for Later you’re getting a brief run-down of each week's stand-outs from things I've bookmarked to "read later" either from Diigo "Read Later" list, Pulse NewsTwitter, and/or Pinterest.  

Read Reel Girl

Reel Girl Screen Capture
I took my 12-year-old daughter out to get her nails done on Wednesday for our monthly “date night.”  It was a pleasant experience, she’s a fun kid and I love her so, so much.  However, the salon had their giant flat-screen tuned to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer who was going on and on about the women in Cleveland who were found and brought to safety after a decade of being held captive, raped and tortured.  The coverage was annoying, to say the least, and failed to articulate the real problems we have with violence against women in the US.
In lieu of CNN, please check out these two articles from Reel Girl who does a great job articulating the complexities of violence against women in this country:

Stories about Moms

On a lighter note, I have been curating “Stories about Moms” for a little over a year on Pinterest.  It’s a group board, so if you’re on it, start adding and a BIG "thank you" to those who have.  If you would like to add some stories let me know.  If you are looking for a lot of wonderful stories about moms, you now know where to go!

Stories about Moms

Kid President

Lastly, I was reading some blogs in an attempt to catch up (I still haven't, but will, eventually, by the end of the year) and came across a lovely Mother's Day post from one of my favorite bloggers, Kimberly Rues of Rubber Chicken Madness.  In it was this video message from Kid President, of course.  Check it out!

Wednesday's Woman
And finally (which always follows "lastly" case you didn't know) don't forget to check out the inspiring Mother's Day Edition of Wednesday's Woman.
Happy Mother's Day!


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