
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hello Again

Wow.  Where have I been?  I took the summer off from blogging in order to spend more time with the kiddos.  Summer turned into autumn.  Swimsuits and shorts into jeans and sweaters.  So much has transpired.  So much in my life has been fixed and much more is in need of fixing. I don’t know where to begin.  I’ll start with a welcome back to me!

It’s easy to stop blogging.  Especially if one has a gift for procrastination, which I do.

“Oh, I’ll do that link-up on Tuesday.”

Tuesday rolls around and I say, “Well, I don’t think anyone really wants to hear about that.  I mean really.  Next Tuesday.”

And so on.  And so on.

It’s difficult to start blogging after a long hiatus.  It’s very difficult.

I mean, what do I say?

“Sorry it's been a while, I’m a lazy bum?”

“I’m afraid you won’t like what you read?”

Dribble, dribble, droll.

Fear.  Fear.  Fear.

Plus, my story is not only my own, but also belongs to the people in my life—my partner, my daughters, the people in my community that may read Sperk*.  I feel a need to protect them, their privacy.  Plus, as far as my daughters, I don’t want to embarrass them.

I've missed having a voice, though, which is the most precious gift of blogging.  Not all in this world have a voice.  I do.  I should be using it.  Forget hiding in silence.  Forget fear of judgment.  Forget thoughts like, “I’m not where I should be at this point in my life.”

“If I really share my opinion, I may be ignored at the next school function.”

And so on.  And so on.

Furthermore as I was searching for stock photos to include with this post I came across this:

And to that I say, "whatever," because I then came across this:

My blog’s layout needs updated.  My bio needs to be rewritten.  The tabs need to be made relevant. 

So much to do.  So much to say.

I must proceed with patience.

I must acknowledge that the hard part is done—getting started.

Here it is.

Blog post number one, after a very long, lonesome hiatus.  I've missed my blogging connections.  I've missed you.

Hello, again.

"Hello again, its been too long, too long, too long, hello again" DMB

I have been consistently taking mobile photos and posting on Instagram.  In case you missed me there:

photo credit: mikkelz via photopin cc
photo credit: Will Lion via photopin cc

photo credit: Travelin' Librarian via photopin cc


  1. I'm so glad you're back to writing! Your words are valuable to me. I haven't written in a long time either, and I've found it very difficult starting up again. I feel as if I've given up… Thank you for showing me it's not impossible to start up again.

    1. I didn't know you took a break. Start again soon. Like now. Just type out, "I am writing. These are my words." Easy for me to say, huh? Thanks for commenting and being here. I think of you often.

  2. I always want to hear what's going on with you! So good to read your words again.
    Can't wait to read more (no pressure ;) ) xoxo

    1. You have the gift to make me laugh. Thank you. Keep it coming (no pressure ;) )

  3. Getting started is often the hardest part. Congrats on getting back into it. I think that we all struggle with the same concerns that you do about whether our words have worth or meaning, whether they matter to anyone. Welcome back! It's good to hear from you.

  4. so weird........i just logged onto facebook to send you a message an ask where you have been because i have missed your writings.......i look forward to them.........Congrats on getting back in the game.........can't wait til the next one.......

  5. Hey. Welcome back. I've been in such transition lately -- that I feel like I've been taking a break too. Maybe my mind has been checking out often. Glad to read your words again.

  6. Hello again and welcome back. Having a voice and a place to share it is a beautiful thing.

  7. Oh yay! Just yesterday I was looking at a picture from you on Instagram and said, "I miss her!!"

    1. I miss you, too, but am grateful to see you on Instagram. I have to get over and "read you" soon. Thanks for missing me. ;)

  8. I am so very glad you are back too! Take your time just check off one thing at a time and it will all get done! (P.S. I have come out of the anonymous closet....this is Laverne) Oh and I totally soak up all I can of you on Instagram and YEAH for you for taking time off, spending time with family and coming back when it was right for you!!

    1. Hi Carrie! Thank you for the advice. If I think about ALL of it, it's overwhelming. I want to be here, so baby steps! Thanks for coming by!

  9. Yay for being back on the blog! Hope your summer and time away was relaxing and wonderful :) Time to yourself and with family and the people you love is always worth taking a break for but as you can see - you were missed here too. Looking forward to reading more from you!


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