
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Best of 2012 According to My Daughters

Having two adolescent daughters is challenging on many levels.  One obstacle that pops up is their lack of willingness to answer my questions, such as, "How was school?"  Their never-fail answers are always something like, "It was fine, but I don't feeeeeel like giving you all the details."  End of discussion.

Last week after I composed and posted my list of 2012 Favorites, I thought it may be a good conversation starter with my girls.  I was right.  At first, they begrudgingly read it.  But after one simple question from me-What were your favorites of 2012?-they miraculously opened up.

I found out there was a group of girls on Twitter cutting themselves due to the horror of Justin Bieber smoking weed (truly shocking).  I found out that my 14 year old has quickly moved on from thinking pop music is cool to thinking it's "stupid" and helped her choose different words to express this opinion in order to not hurt her 12 year old sister's feelings.  We talked drugs, the objectification of women in videos, the good and the bad of pop culture.

I am not certain if they realized we were talking about such significant topics.  That was not the point. For me, the priority was and is to be available in the moment, when the important emerges.

Out of our discussion came their willingness and desire to share their favorites from 2012 here.  Of course, I was and am willing to do so.  And of course, I am hoping this post will spur even more conversation.

2012 Favorites

                     Antonia                                                              Sophia
                     (age 12)                                                               (age 14)

                    Pitch Perfect                                          Perks of Being a Wallflower

                    Red, Taylor Swift                                   Centipede Hz, Animal Collective

                    Boyfriend, Justin Bieber                       Myth, Beach House

                    N/A                                                           N/A

                    Sperk*                                                      "I don't read blogs."

TV Show:  
                    Arrested Development                           Arrested Development 

                    Boo the Dog                                            Pudge the Cat

                    "Having a facial                                     Tie between trip to D.C. -
                     on my birthday."                                   performing in spring musical                                                                                                                                                    

                    Junior Winds Camp                                Ohio Junior Thespians

Viral Video:  
                    Star Wars Kid (not from 2012,                 Gangnam Style
                       but still her favorite)

What were some of your kids' favorites from 2012?
How do you start conversations with your kids?



  1. My kids are 8, 5 and 3 so trying to find a movie that everyone will like, and what is also appropriate for each age is nigh to impossible.
    I am quite certain though that Harry Potter and Gangnam Style will be at my house. Like.Forever.

    And you know, it's very disconcerting to hear your 3 year old little girl running down the hallway scream-singing "Hey...SEXY LADY!!!"

    1. It must be challenging with the age differences. My girls are 22 months apart. So even though my older daughter has "older" taste, the conversations are still appropriate for my younger daughter.

      How do you do that? :)

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. I love that your favourites post was such a spring board to an important conversation with your girls. And how great that they wanted to share their favourites as well!

    1. Thank you! It was fun. I hadn't realized just how much Sophia had changed over the year...Antonia, too, though. Gosh, time flies!

  3. OMG I love this! What a great idea.
    (and you are if your daughter's favourite blog is yours!)

    I'll have to give this a whirl with my kids.
    My daughter actually wanted to have lunch with me today. She walked to my office from High School and spent her lunch hour with me ;) Yay!

    1. I was actually going to send this link to you via twitter because I thought you may enjoy doing it with your kids. Let me know when you do!

  4. This is such a great idea! These are memories that I should be capturing too. Why didn't I think of this?! How awesome would it be to look back at a journal with year after year in it to be reminded of your favorites?!

    Also, I love how you engaged them in conversation. We talk about sooo much in this house and are so open. We are only in the early tween years but I want my girls to be comfortable coming to us about any and everything.

    1. I hadn't thought of making it a journal, great idea, lady!

  5. That was so nice of your girls to share with us! Tell them thanks for me :) Couldn't comment last night but my guess for one of their fave movie quotes was the Harry Potter one?

  6. Your girls have great taste in TV shows - Arrested Development is one of my favorites!

    1. I don't know if they "get" all of the jokes, but they love it. It's difficult to find engaging programming for people their age.

  7. Ohmyheart, how I love that you had this discussion with your girls!

    {Anything to get the words going, right?}

    And I love even more that they wanted to share here!

    Thank you, girls, so very much!
    P.S. I love Taylor swift's, "Red," too! :)

    1. Thanks, Galit! I will make sure they see your comment. xo


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