
Monday, January 14, 2013

10 Best Movie Quotes

I am thrilled to be participating in my first Monday Listicles of 2013.  There was one last week, however, I did not have myself organized enough to get one together.  This week, I barely was able to cut my list down to 10.  The topic is 10 Best Movie Quotes as suggested by Ally at Just a Normal Mom.  Great topic, tons to choose from, and very timely being it's awards show season.

As a bonus, I mixed in my daughters' favorite movie quotes.  Within the list, there is one favorite from Antonia (age 12) and one from Sophia (age 14).  Find their choices among the 10 and let me know your guess in the comment section.

10 Best Movie Quotes  
(in no particular order)

*"I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me." ~The Departed

*"Hurt people hurt people."  ~Greenberg

*"Losers are people who are so afraid of not winning, they don't even try."  ~Little Miss Sunshine

*"He's the cheese to my macaroni" ~Juno

*"Our good fortune allowed us to feel a sadness our parents never had time for." ~Beginners

*"Sometimes, I guess there just aren't enough rocks."  ~Forrest Gump

*"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."  ~Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

*"Just keep swimming." ~Finding Nemo 

*"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void." ~You've Got Mail

*"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."  ~The Empire Strikes Back

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!
photo credit: wallyg via photopin cc


  1. This was my first Listicle too! I'd say the Juno comment is one of your girls'??

    Huge fan of You've Got Mail!

    Great list!


  2. Welcome to MLs. I'm a newbie, but I can tell you that its wonderful. I thought I knew Forrest Gump inside out. That quote is going to drive me nuts to figure out what scene it was said in. I like the Juno quote. I've never seen the movie but I've heard about it.

    1. Hi Kenya! It's the scene where Forrest witnesses Jenny throwing rocks at her childhood home. He later tears it down. I love that he does that for her.
      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Love your choices! Monday Listicles are the best, right?! I really like that Harry Potter choice. :)

  4. Great list!!! I love Little Miss Sunshine!

  5. I'm guessing Nemo & Juno as quotes from your girls. I enjoyed all of them though! Love Departed - now I feel like watching that. :)

    1. You are right! The "Juno" quote comes from my 14 year old and Dory in "Finding Nemo" from my 12 year old. Thanks for playing!

  6. I am going with Nemo and Harry Potter as your daughter's quotes.

    Yoda!!! So glad to see he made someone's list.
    And Forrest Gump one is definitely among the best. Great film moment.

  7. Who wouldn't want to be the cheese to your macaroni - Juno was a great movie? Great choices!!

  8. I was going to guess Little Miss Sunshine and Juno for your daughter's quotes - got 1 right :) This is a great listicles topic, I love movies and would not have even known where to start but you've got some great ones here! Happy first 2013 Listicle post!

  9. Wow, I have no idea which ones are from your daughters, but I'm curious to find out.

  10. These are words to live by, right? "Losers are people who are so afraid of not winning, they don't even try." ~Little Miss Sunshine

    And I should paint this one in the hallway. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends." ~Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

    Great list! Ellen

  11. Juno has so many great quotes. The dialog in that movie is so well written. I love the scene you chose for Forest Gump. I can relate to Jenny in that scene. Thanks for sharing was great.

  12. I love your list. My Dad and I were talking about 'you've got mail" tonight and I know I saw it but need to watch it again. Thanks for the second reminder! JUNO! Love it~!

  13. I was surprised not to see more from Little Miss Sunshine, there were so many great lines in that movie!! Love the list Kim!!


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