
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sperk* 2012 Favorites

The 2013 clock is ticking, I know.  
It’s always a good idea to reflect on the past in order to change the future.  However, some things get etched in the mind as our favorites, things we wish would never change.  These are the snapshots we print on acid-free paper and tape into the scrapbook.  If I still did scrapbooking, the following are the things you would find in mine from 2012: 

Favorite 2012 Movie: I see movies late, when they enter the realm of cable television.  For that reason, my favorite flick of 2012 was released in 2011: The Big Year.  It’s charming, funny, hopeful and I can watch it with my kids.

Favorite Album: Pound of Dirt by Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds - I came across this band while perusing Songkick for an opportunity to go out on a Friday night.  This band is hot and I predict they are going to blow up.  Meaning, if you can see them in a small music venue near you, do so, and soon.  If you wait, you’ll be smooshed in a crowd of sweaty people at a summer music festival, unable to see who’s tearing up all those instruments.

Favorite Song: We Are Never Getting Back Together - I’m a closet Taylor Swift fan.  Yes, I am.  It helps me relate to my tween and provides good conversational material for my teen: “Mom, how is it that Taylor Swift can be such a player and not get any flack?  I mean, if I went through that many boyfriends. . .”

Favorite Tweeter: @brainpicker – Maria Popova – Because her tweets contain the most interesting links.

Favorite Blog: Angela Shelton – Inspiring, creative, funny, intelligent.

Favorite TV Show: Enlightened – I watched the entire first season two times while the kids were gone over Christmas break.  It’s the first show I could relate to as a 40 year old woman.  Love it.  Season 2 begins on HBO in three days.  

Favorite Instagramer: @northwestmommy  - That boy, that dog and that scenery, oh my.

Favorite Moment: Too many to choose from.  I consider myself lucky and easy to please.  However, if I have to choose, the first day of school (pictured above) was pretty stellar. My oldest went to high school.  I think we are going to make it.

Favorite Conference: AFC North – I’m a die-hard Steelers fan.  (You know I’m talking NFL, right?).

Favorite Viral Video: Felix Baumgartner’s supersonic freefall from 128k – How can one not be inspired by this?

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. The Big Year was a bit odd but enjoyable!

  2. I love the spin on your favorite conference :)

    Stopping by from the link up, have a great day!

    Lacey @ And They Call Me Mommy

  3. That is an amazing photo/video. And I loved the sound of Sister Sparrow. The horns are awesome. I need to hang with you since I am incredibly unhip these days.

  4. Wow. I actually had never seen that video before. I've got chills - super inspiring! I just joined Instagram recently and follow @northwestmommy, too. I agree - her photos are great!

  5. Getting back in the blogging saddle-
    How did I miss that movie? Jack Black=awesome
    <3 Taylor and northwest mommy and that freefall, it makes me cry, sob, weep. Some powerful stuff.

    I hope you have a wonderful 2013.


  6. I love that you made this list. Im a closet Taylor Swift fan too but don't have your legit excuse with my young boys. Her latest song is so catchy. I want to make a list now!

  7. You have some awesome favorites on this list! I watched all of Enlightened and loved every episode, a few even broke my heart a little :) NorthWestMommy - another awesome favorite, so talented. And of course, I love the first day of school pic! Happy 2013!

  8. I thought the list was a great way to record some faves from the year. Your video was awesome. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  9. I loved the movie "The Big Year"! Unfortunately nobody else in my family did, but I would watch it again anytime.
    Also - Angela Shelton, she is awesome!


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