
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What Brings You Joy?

Yesterday was President’s Day.  Did you celebrate?  I did by taking the day off from blogging—not that I've been that great at providing daily posts.  But, hey, I need an excuse to do a Monday Listicle on a Tuesday. 

This week’s theme is a good one:  10 Tiny (or secret) Things That Bring You Joy.  Because I seem to dwell on the ho-humness of depression, this is definitely a topic I cannot pass up.  Joy is good.  And there should be more of it.

9 Tiny Things That Bring Me Joy

1.  My nightly talks with Sophia and Antonia as I tuck them into bed.

2.  Listening to Antonia practice her clarinet.

3.  Helping Sophia learn tap dancing for her upcoming school musical.

4.  Helping the girls with their hair.

5.  Hearing and sharing laughter in this house.

6.  When M does the dishes or paints the kitchen

7.  This video of Prince live circa 1985

Prince Lets Go Crazy / Purple Rain tour 1985 by Recoda321

8.  This video of my family at Christmastime circa 2010

9.  My dogs, Frodo, Scruffy and Tina

One Secret Thing That Brings Me Joy

Screenshot BravoTV

What brings you joy?

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!


  1. Love your list!
    It's so important to focus on the things that bring us joy (I just wrote about that yesterday, though not for the listicles).
    I've been keeping a gratitude journal for 5 weeks now and it does remind me of two things every day that I'm grateful/joyful about.
    I wish I could do a better job at it, but I'm in a place myself at this point where I have to force myself to get up in the morning... but I'm not giving up ;)

    1. I hear ya. I have been in that place for months. But no giving up. I received a journal for Christmas--a beautiful one. It has one entry. I'm going to follow your lead and start entering things I'm grateful for on a daily basis. Love to you!

  2. Oh Prince! Yes, he brings the world joy. :)

    1. Yes. And how I wish I would have seen that tour. :)

  3. Tap dancing in a school musical? How fun!
    Joy certainly comes from seeing a man getting chores done!
    And Prince, great song.

  4. That picture of your daughters is killing me - haha! I really love your Christmas video as well. Laughter in the house is always welcome :) And of course, loved ones helping around the house = awesome!

  5. Seeing that Prince video takes me back. And I bet having two daughters close in age does get interesting. My two youngest -- a boy and girl -- can't sit having breakfast in the morning without bickering. But then they'd do anything for each other. Sounds like you have a lot of joy in your home.

  6. Surprisingly, listening to Thing2 practice his trumpet makes me smile like a loon. It IS the little things....

  7. Awwwww...loved your Christmas video! Looks like you have lots of fun with your girls.

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