
Thursday, May 2, 2013


“Isn’t this bag cute?” I asked her.

“If you’re a grandma or a 7th-grader,” she replied.



The five year old that I watch always says “Really?!  Really?!” to her 15-month-old little sister when she snatches her Barbie dolls.  She’s a tiny little thief who just can’t wait to get caught.

All smiles.

Sometimes there are hot tears of anger from the five year old who gets fed-up with the toy snatching.

But generally it’s all smiles, all around.
I left the 15-month-old’s diaper bag in my car, so it came home with me.  When I showed it to my teen daughter she scrunched her nose and said, “Mom, you’re a bad nanny!” 

It was cute.

Then I asked her to confirm the cuteness of the bag.  

She’s not mean.  She’s just honest.  I’m not as cool as I think.

I’m 43. 

I do not wish to be a 7th-grader or a grandma. 

I sometimes wish to be somewhere in between, or, maybe, farther along.

I am uncomfortable.  Sometimes the thoughts swirl: “I should be more successful.  I should have saved.  I should have a career.”

The celebration of another year is on the horizon.  I feel it in the unseasonable heat of the day.  Summers end will bring me to 44.

Perhaps I’ll settle into now.


What type of bags are the 40-somethings carrying?

NaBloPoMo May 2013

Your Place at Equis Place

I've committed to blogging everyday in May with BlogHer's NaBloPoMo.  The theme this month is 'comfort'.  

Why would I do such a thing?  

To challenge myself.

And because I was inspired by Xiomara who did it three months in a row.  Yes, she blogged everyday for three months in a row!

This post is included in her new weekly link up called 'Your Place'.  Click the badge above to check it out.

photo credit: goaliej54 via photopin cc


  1. I have no idea what kind of bag 40-somethings are carrying (and I'm 41), I just carry whatever I like and what was on sale and what is available... Pretty boring, I know.
    I have all those same thoughts you have as well, Kimberly. You are definitely not alone.
    I don't want to be any younger, I feel like I've had an uphill battle to even get here ;) I do however feel like I should have a plan, but I don't. All I have is a desire and a lot of fear...

  2. Oh, don't worry about that! Do purses have an age? That purse looks like a -the name escapes me right now- but my 29 year old sister carries one. You're just fine!

  3. Well, I'm not cool either because I thought the bag was really cute and I have a few that are pretty similar looking - haha! I've decided to just dress and buy things I like and that feel good. I don't think I've ever really known what was cool anyway. I hear you on the job/career stuff, going through that myself right now. Yay - I love your challenge to blog everyday. WOW to Xiomara for doing it for three months! Looking forward to reading lots more from you this month :) xo

  4. I think the bag is super cute, and I'm no grandma! Way past 7th grade too. Yay for settling into "now." And I'm so excited that you're doing NaBloPoMo. Thanks so much for linking up with Your Place at Equis Place! Really.


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