
Monday, May 6, 2013

10 Things I Love That Cost Nothing

Today’s theme for Monday Listicles is 10 Things I Love That Cost Nothing.  I thought about how much I love watching movies on HBO, playing games on my smartphone, and eating hummus from Trader Joe’s.  But when considering the cable, Sprint and grocery bills, those all technically cost something.  So, for today’s list, I tried to choose things that bring me joy that are not linked to any sort of recurring payment.  

10 Things I Love That Cost Nothing
(In no particular order)

*Listening to music

*Exchanging smiles with a stranger


*Taking naps

*Hearing my girls practice their music—Sophia sings, Antonia plays clarinet

*Laughing, dancing, talking, anything with my kids (the video below is old, like at least two years old. Yay! for this post which has reminded me that I need to make more).

*Dancing  (this video is also old.  It's from last June.  I promise more in the future because I know you love them.)

*Feeling the warm sun on my face

*Sitting with my dog, Frodo, on my lap

*Tucking my girls into bed at night

What brings you joy?

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!
photo credit: bigvern via photopin cc


  1. There's nothing like tucking them in at the end of a long day.

    1. Sometimes I am so tired, I contemplate skipping it. But it's so worth it.

  2. Can I just say how much I love that you named your dog Frodo. Awesome.
    he's a cute lil thing too. Love the beat in the 2nd video -- that was a great freebie for me today.

    1. He is my little cutie! Glad I could provide you with some joy! :)

  3. Girl, you got some moves! I remember the dance video from last year and I already loved it then.
    The one with your daughters is priceless! Such good memories to cherish.

    1. Thanks, Kerstin. Posting those reminded me that I need to start video capturing more!

  4. Loved seeing you and your two girls. You are right. Lots of joy and happiness just being together. You are lucky to have each other.

  5. Make more videos! Make more videos! :) Ellen

    1. I will, I will. I forgot how much fun they are!

  6. A long walk with my Little Dude, looking for leaves, bugs, etc. There's nothing better.

    1. Hi Dude! I must get over to your space and catch up. thanks for coming by.

  7. Dancing! Your teens still let you tuck them in at night? Awesome.

    1. Jennifer, they wait for me to tuck them in. Sometimes I think they are already asleep, and I hear bellowing from their room, "mom, are you tucking me in? I am waiting!" You're right, it's awesome. :)

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