
Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Daughters: I Love You

I made a big announcement last month and last May that I would be blogging regularly.

No more big announcements.  But, I'm blogging.  And the blog, this space, is in the state of being overhauled--posts relabeled, tabs removed and added, I may even purchase a more simple url.  Nothing fancy.  No servers and me trying to program a site.  Simple.  But here and consistent.

So I was Instagramming all weekend and got minimal done here.  It's OK.  I love Instagramming.  It makes me feel good.  I like looking and seeing and trying to translate what I see to other people.  It's difficult to do so with an old Samsung Galaxy, but I manage.  And I love getting out of the house.  Love it.

I digress...and that's OK.

I am getting the blogging ball rolling with Monday Listicles.  One of my favorite memes.  The theme this week is love: 10 ways to say, "I love you."  Because it's midnight and I have to be up at 4:30 a.m. for work, I am going quick and easy.  Rattling off of the top of my head the things I do for my two adolescent daughters...the things I do because I love them so much that it hurts.  This stuff is the least I can do.

And here we go.

10 Ways I Show My Daughters I Love Them

Dear daughters,
The next time you are angry because I ask you about your grades or suggest you clean up your room try to remember that I love you.  How do you know that when I am scrunching up my face in disapproval?  Here's how:

I tell you.
I pack your lunch for school.
I tuck you in at night.
I sing for you.
I dance for you.
I wash your clothes (most of the time).
I do not require you to do many chores.
I  go to all performances (choir, plays, musicals, band)
I make you food to eat after school.
I cry when you do something wonderful.

There's more.  Much more.  But this is a nice list you can memorize and recite to yourself
the next time I embarrass you in public.


photo credit: profzucker via photopin cc


  1. so beautiful, a mother's love knows no boundaries...sniffles...the thigns we do for our kids is more than we ever do for ourselves. Great list

    1. You are right! I often forget to do things for myself. Thanks for stopping by,

  2. Very sweet list, and reminding our kiddos of the ways we show we love them is a good idea!

  3. There is something special about mothers and daughters. I love that your blog is evolving. And Mary Cassett is one of my all time favorites. (at least I think that's a painting of hers.)

    1. Your right on the artist. I love her work also. I love that you love the evolution of Sperk* I want things perfect NOW! Learning to enjoy the process. Thanks.

  4. I love it! I keep telling myself that some day they will realize that all those crazy things are evidence that I love them!

    1. I have an idea that when they go away to college and have to do it all themselves, they'll get it. :)

  5. Great list. Good luck with the blog overhaul. It sounds fun, and perhaps a bit overwhelming.

    I wish some of your Instagram love could rub of onto me. I just can't get into it. I think if I had more time ... and there wasn't Twitter to distract me :)

  6. This is beautiful and awesome Kim :) So true of a mother's love and all we do for our kids. I love the picture you choose for the post as well and am loving your blog's new look! Hope all is well with you - xoxo


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