
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Twisted Mix-Tape

It’s the 31st Twisted Mix-Tape blogging link up and it’s falling on Halloween week!

How apropos!

Technically Twisted Mix-Tape is a Tuesday thing and today is Thursday, but I have never been on time or apropos in my life.

This week’s theme is Scary Songs.  I enlisted the help of everyone in my house which resulted in quite a long list.  Then I checked the parameters of the link up over at Jen’s My Skewed View and realized I had way, way too many songs.  

This created another challenge—editing.  I am about as good at editing as I am at being on time (or apropos).
Here’s my five song playlist for Halloween and Twisted Mix-Tape Tuesday (in no particular order, play it on shuffle):

1. God’s Gonna Cut You Down – Johnny Cash

I was going to go with Long Black Veil, then I remembered Cash's God’s Gonna Cut You Down and chose the latter.  I grew up Catholic with a grandmother who did not much appreciate Vatican II and a few nuns for teachers who did not seem to appreciate children.  I remember as I was preparing for my First Reconciliation in the second grade that I was freaked out by the fact that God could not only see everything I did, but God also knew my thoughts.  I lived in complete fear.  I’m older now and understand that as a child there is no way I was thinking about anything requiring God to strike me down.  But still, the song creeps me out.

2. Bugs – Pearl Jam

I love this song.  I especially love that when I played it for my daughters to get it approved for this list, they asked me to turn it off.  Apparently bugs creep them out as much as God did me in my youth.

3. Forty Six and 2 – Tool

My shadow's
Shedding skin and
I've been picking
Scabs again.
I'm down
Digging through
My old muscles
Looking for a clue.

It’s for dark moments only, obviously.

Forty Six and 2 got the thumbs up from everyone in the house, even my Chihuahuas who know a little something about shedding. . .fur.

4. The Stone – Dave Matthews

Another one for darker moods.  Another one that I like due to being raised Catholic and always feeling like I had done something wrong.  It’s a beautiful song, really.  Especially this version.

5. Secret – The Pierces

This is the theme song for the show my daughters are obsessed with, Pretty Little Liars.  I find it scary when my girls sing it in unison in their pretty little voices.

Be sure to check out Jen and the rest of the bloggers who participated in this week's Twisted Mix-Tape Tuesday to see if your favorite scary song made it onto anyone's list!

My Skewed View

Happy Halloween!
photo credit: ~Brenda-Starr~ via photopin cc


  1. I am so happy to have you back! And with a bang too! I am reading Johnny Cash's second autobiography right now, it is really fascinating. His own relationship with God was so tumultuous.
    Super creepy list for all the right reasons. I hope you come back again!

    1. Thanks Jen, especially for the reminders. It's good to be back. I'll have to pick up that autobiography.

  2. Seems like you managed the apropos-ness in this post. Punctuality is over-rated.


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