Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Towards Summer

(photo credit)

 In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.  
~Albert Camus

For those of you who have not yet looked at your calendar, it's March 1st. Yes! We survived those two dreaded months wherein we struggle to stay happy amid lack luster sunlight and plaguing guilt brought on from over spending and over eating during the holidays.  I often struggle with motivation and positive thoughts during the winter, it's not new to me.  In my early 20's I lived in Chicago, a beautiful city but harsh environment to wait-out the winter.  I remember crying sobbing with tears of joy and relief each March when I heard the booming crash of thunder brought by the first Spring storm.

I see no rain in the forecast for today to use as cause for celebration, so am lauding the march towards Summer by linking up with Mama Kat's Pretty Much World Famous Writers Workshop:

Mama’s Losin’ It

Prompt:  Remember Summer? The warm air, blue skies, and endless days in the water? Me either. Share a photo from last Summer that brings you back.

Response:  We didn't do much last Summer as far as exotic vacations or educational trips to historic Civil War sites.  But the sun provided us with opportunities to enjoy. . .

 . . .long walks in the Columbus Metro Parks. . .

 . . .two teams making it 
to the GYAA Girls Softball Tournament. . .

. . .U2 in concert in Pittsburgh. . .

. . .and a strange variety of activities and characters that make
 the Ohio State Fair.

Let the March begin!


  1. The chain link fence and the sunset on the softball field definitely make me think of summer, hot dogs and long evenings!

  2. I am so ready for spring and summer, too. January and February are so hard with boring grey days!

    Thanks for sharing the summer photos. I felt better just looking at them.

  3. Totally digging the softball photo! And now I wanna go to the beach or something!


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