
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday's Woman: Thank You for 2012

We honored celebrities, friends, moms, and neighbors.  We celebrated you and your children.  We recognized athletes, scientists, news reporters, survivors, those who are thriving, writers, singers, advocates and more.  In 2012 we paid tribute to approximately 35 women who are providing us with inspiration and reminding us that when we are called to action we must listen.  We also were reminded that even the smallest of actions can make a huge impact in the lives of others.  I want to thank all of the guest bloggers who helped to make Wednesday’s Woman a shining highlight at Sperk*.  I have a great amount of gratitude for all of the honorees and for all of you.

Thank you, Anna Mahler for being a regular contributor to Wednesday’s Woman and for being my friend.  My gratitude for bringing awareness of the inspiring work of Lisa Shannon, Jane Aronson, Taryn Davis, Diane Latiker, Zainab Salbi, Christy Turlington Burns, and Seane Corn.

Thank you Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms and Tara Pohlkotte for sharing your stories of women who write and who impassioned your own journey of expression.

Thank you Heidi Cave, Ashley Taylor, Galit Breen, Kristen, and aka Lavern for sharing your heart and reminding us that a Wednesday’s Woman is always right in our midst.

Thank you Delilah and Kirstin Piccini for sharing your stories of the women who pulled you through your toughest trials.

Thank you Kim Pugliano, Cat Poland, Stacey Gill, Cindy Reed and Tracy at Scribblesaurus Me for honoring your friends and bringing their stirring stories to light.

Thank you Missy Bedell and M for reminding us that our mothers or mother-figures were our first Wednesday’s Women.

Thank you Ado, Miranda and Aubrey Ortega for bringing to light the little-known works of well-known people.

Finally, thank you to Corrie Ortner, the first Wednesday’s Woman and my friend who inspired the entire series.

I am looking forward to discovering the Women who inspire you in 2013.

Wednesday's Woman is a weekly feature dedicated to spotlighting women who are role models for our daughters. . . and the world.


  1. This is just the most lovely, uplifting feature. Thank you, Kimberly. You're quite the inspiration yourself. xo Ellen

  2. and mostly, THANK YOU for having a space open and celebrating all kinds of women. You are a shining example of what Wednesday Woman are all about. xo

    1. Thanks, Tara. So grateful for your willingness to share. You are so very talented. :)

  3. Thank YOU for letting me air something that I never have publicly before. I have felt a million times lighter since letting it all out.

    I hope you have a beautiful 2013! xo

    1. So wonderful to hear you are feeling lighter and honored you chose to use this space to share. I'm here, it's here anytime you need it.
      Here's to a great 2013!

  4. I love Wed Woman and am so honored and appreciative to be able to contribute! It's incredible that you have dedicated a part of your blog toward spotlighting and honoring inspiration women as well as letting us all be a part of this as well. Thank you Kim for all you share and do - you're my Wed. Woman!

    1. I could respond by saying, "No, you're MY Wednesday's Woman." But then we'd be here forever. Maybe that's not such a bad idea. ;)

  5. Thank you for placing a spotlight on and honoring women of all stripes whose work so often goes unacknowledged or appreciated. Kudos to you, my friend.

    1. Grateful for the time you devoted to your piece and such an inspiring story. How is it you can do funny AND serious so well?

  6. Thank you so much for this beautiful post and for inspiring us with your gratitude. Tis the season, and you just reminded me. (-: Thank you, Sperk. xoxo

    1. You filled me with the spirit of the season with that comment, Ado. It is about gratitude...let's always remember to never forget. xo

  7. Thank YOU for hosting this feature and bringing light to all the amazing women out there who inspire!

  8. It was a privilege to be featured among such amazing women! Thank you for the opportunity! :) You are the best!!

  9. SUCH an honor. A true honor. I am still very proud not only to have been asked but to have been able to share. You are amazing for doing this. xxoo

  10. Wow!!! What a group of woman to be in the same sentence with let alone an entire post. I was honored when you asked me to write for you. I am honored when I go back and visit the post (yes, I still do) and I am honor to be able to share my voice with such a fantastic audience... Your readers. I still remember the post Wednesday's Woman inspired and it make me proud to remember my words and the message I shared with all the woman out there. We are such an amazingly fantastic bunch!!! Something to be damn proud of!!! Thank you Kimberly xoxoxo

  11. I look forward to this series each week and am so glad you're continuing! Cheers!

  12. Thank YOU so much. What a wonderful thing you do here, bringing women and our stories together. A true celebration.
    I hope your holidays are peaceful and restful. Much love to you.


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