
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday's Woman: Mother's Day Edition

Welcome to the Mother’s Day edition of Wednesday’s Woman!

When I began the Wednesday’s Woman series I thought many I asked to guest post would write about their mothers or women who were like mothers to them.  That has not always been the case.  The scope of women highlighted here has been greater than I anticipated and for that, I am grateful.  Still, every once in a while, I’ll receive a guest post from a writer who wishes to honor her mother and I’m always deeply moved.  The mother-child relationship is complex and is not necessarily bound by biology.  Adrienne Rich wrote in Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution:

“Probably there is nothing in human nature more resonant with charges than the flow of energy between two biologically alike bodies, one of which has lain in amniotic bliss inside the other, one of which has labored to give birth to the other. The materials are here for the deepest mutuality and the most painful estrangement.”

And Oprah has been quoted as saying:

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother."

Below are links to past Wednesday’s Woman posts by writers honoring their moms or those who mothered them.  I encourage you to read them all.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wednesday's Woman: Mother's Day Edition

Mothers and Daughters -by Missy Bedell of Literal Mom
Sometimes the time for a story comes and you're afraid to write it. I agreed to write for Sperk* for Wednesday's Woman a long time ago.  And when she reminded me that it was today, I had a bit of a panic attack. I can write about moments.  I can give you kid vignettes.  I can hide behind humor and tongue in cheek posts, like I did last week. What I normally don't give you is information about my past. (read more)

Susan is the mother of three extraordinary people and although I am not her son, I like to count myself as her fourth. She is married to an awesome man and father Rolf, is active member at her church and holds a master’s degree in counseling.  Susan has devoted her life to helping others. She is the founder and director of Brandon’s House Counseling Center in New Albany, Indiana. While working (read more)

When thinking about women I connected with or who made an impact in my life my mother is certainly the last person I want to think about. Throughout most of my childhood and into my adulthood I considered my mother the enemy. When she got engaged to my father she was the age my daughter is now – 15 years old. She married my father when she was 17 and two years later I was born. (read more)

My Aunt Linda, wasn't really my aunt at all. She was my mother's best friend since the age of 7, and as many best-friends-of-moms, she received the honorary title of Aunt as a way of recognizing that close connection not only to my mother but to my mother's children as well. When I was about 5-yrs-old, Aunt Linda had her first daughter (adding to her small family of two nearly grown sons), Jenny, became instantly my "cousin" or almost like my own little sister. (read more)

Each week, I look forward to reading all the awesome Wednesday's Woman posts here at Sperk*. I've learned about well known women doing great things and causing needed change, everyday heroes and even women who are no longer with us but through their own courage and drive, was changing lives and the world we live in before I was even born.
But some of my favorites have been the personal friends and family some have written about and I have to admit, I often feel twinges of jealousy while reading.  I wish I had a great female role model, someone personal involved in my life today. (read more)


photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin
cc photo credit: Indy Charlie via photopin cc


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