Friday, July 20, 2012

If I Could Turn Back Time

My 25th high school reunion is next weekend.  I'm not going, but I am celebrating the occasion by guest blogging at Chosen Chaos for this week's If I could turn back time.

Writing in response to the question ". . .if you had the oppor­tu­nity to sit down with your 18-​​year-​​old self what would you say to her?" helped me to realize that I was still holding onto so much.  By the time I arrived at my final draft, I had been on a grand reunion of thoughts, memories, pains, and triumphs.  It was a fitting and timely experience. Click below to read it!

I'm so incredibly grateful to Jamie, Chosen Chaos,
 for giving me this opportunity.  

Thank you, Jamie!

photo credit: wili_hybrid via photo pin cc


  1. Such an awesome post and so much gentle compassion for yourself (my favorite part)! I bet this felt good to write, way better than a high school reunion too :)

    1. Anna, you are so right about it feeling good to write and much, much better than the reunion! Thank you. <3

  2. Thats too bad on not coming to the reunion, would of been nice to see you. Hopefully, the next reunion/get together.

    1. Would be great to see you. I am sorry to miss it. Please give everyone my best. :)


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