Monday, July 16, 2012

Thanks in 10

Every once in a while, it's good to stop and take inventory of what we are grateful for.  Today's theme for Monday Listicles  is 10 Thanks and gives me the opportunity to do just that.


1.  My daughters, Sophia and Antonia.  Without whom I never would have embarked on such an in-depth look at myself and my family of origin.  We are breaking cycles, kiddos.  I hope one day you’ll understand the importance of doing so and the importance of constant self-evaluation which leads to change.

2.  My significant other, M. Dude. It sure is rough sometimes, but when I look away from the chaos, I always see you standing there saying, “I am proud of you.”  That’s quite amazing.

3.  My blogging community. Boy, oh boy.  The acceptance and how you embrace my story is astounding and sometimes completely overwhelming to me.  You challenge me to keep moving forward, to keep healing, and to stay truthful in my personal evolution.  You also teach me about writing.  I am grateful for that.  I hope I give you at least a little of what you give me.  Powerful stuff, simply powerful.

4.  My dogs, Frodo, Scruffy, and Tina.  Every time I spend time with one or all of you, my heart rate decreases and my blood pressure is lowered.  You are loyal and don’t care when I mess up.  You allow me to talk to you like the babies I no longer have and do not look at me like I am crazy.  Thank you.


5.  Martins Ferry, Ohio.  Your river and its constant flow toward the south gave me hope that I would one day escape.  Your hills hugged me and made me feel safe in a world full of scary, terrible things.

6.  Northern California.  Your expansive beauty inspired me to see the beauty in my little girls, every day, looking into their eyes and being reminded of the magnificence of creation.

7.  Chicago, Illinois.  This is where I really grew up and changed from confused child into adult.  You were exciting, yet friendly, offering me all I needed to figure things out and become a grown up.

8.  Columbus, Ohio.  There is something about you that gives me hope.  I’m not sure I’ll stay here once the girls are off to college, but I appreciate what you are trying to do.


9.  Money. I don’t have a lot of you. I wish I had more. But I always have enough of you to keep everyone fed, clothed, and housed.  Thanks for that.  Let’s talk about how we can grow our relationship.

10. The World Wide Web. Information is empowering.  Connecting to others is empowering.  You rock.

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!

photo credit: Fenng(dbanotes) via photo pin cc


  1. I just told someone yesterday how thankful I am for the web. It is amazing, isn't it? Oh, how we take it for granted.

  2. I'm thankful for the web, too. Without it, I wouldn't be able to realize my writing goals.

  3. Pretty fab. Love how first came your people, then places, then things! Wonderful list of thanks Kim!

  4. such a super list...honest and meaningful. way to rock it kim! ~deirdre

  5. I liked that you used categories - I didn't even think of listing places! This was a really nice list, heartfelt and thoughtful. :)

  6. We are breaking cycles, kiddos. I hope one day you’ll understand the importance of doing so and the importance of constant self-evaluation which leads to change.

    Best line I've read today. Great list Kimberly.

  7. Look at you breaking this up into categories of nouns. I love it for that reason alone :) I'm really thankful for the blogging community too. So much fun and friendship to be had.

  8. Reflecting on that for which we are grateful is such a valuable exercise. This is such a thoughtful list. It is always pretty awesome to read what you are about :)

  9. This is a fantastic list. I love how you broke it into different categories. Keep breaking those cycles and sharing your stories.

  10. It is a beautiful list. It is wonderful to look back and see all the places we've lived and how they have helped us move forward.

  11. I love how you addressed this Kimberly! The people, the places, and the things that are important, so prefect. Plus, I just noticed the voice of BlogHer Badge! Way to go!

  12. I love the people, places, things breakdown. The web - I am so thankful for the information at my fingertips! And the blogging community is pretty amazing, isn't it?

  13. Hi there Sperk:
    I'm all over your list especially "daughters," "bloggy community," and of course - "Northern Ca."! (-:

  14. Gratitude lists always makes me stop and realize how good I have it! Thanks for the reminder.
    P.S. Northern Cali does rock!

  15. I loved how you crafted the categories. Your "Places" was unique and interesting, just like you always are. I'm thankful you are on the interwebz. Ellen

  16. Love how you broke this down into the categories! And how you talked to the places like they were people!


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