Monday, May 14, 2012

10 Things I Wish I Could Delete

Meaning of delete (verb)
forms: deleted; deleted; deleting
remove or make invisible; cancel; erase

Monday means it’s time for Monday Listicles.  I love Monday Listicles and hope it never to be deleted.  However, there are quite a few things I would like to delete.  Here they are in no particular order:

  1. My property tax bill
  2. Photos any “friends” downloaded from my old MySpace page
  3. Stretch marks on my lower abdomen, upper thighs and hips; acne scars; cellulite
  4. Fashion Story from my phone.  I’m addicted
  5. Pinterest, because I love it way too much
  6. Genes that carry addiction          
  7. Parents who are too afraid to protect their children
  8. Every Facebook page that belongs to a female under the age of 18 wherein the user has photos posted in which she is posing provocatively 
  9. The need to go to the dentist and gynecologist
  10. The world’s clock so that we could live in timelessness

What would you like to delete?

The best way to spend Monday in the blogosphere!

photo credit: Carlos Smith via photo pin cc


  1. I'd like to delete my belly apron. No matter how much of the baby and wine fat I lose, it will always be with me. I am NOT willing to go under the knife or the suction tube to get rid of it, but I'd delete it in a second!

    1. I hear you. Makes me hate Photoshop use on cover of Vogue.

    2. I'm pretty sure I'd still want to get rid of the apron even if Vogue had models with them all over the cover. :)

  2. I would delete DOMA. I would delete the 2nd Amendment. I would delete all fat from tacos, and all calories from scotch.

    I would delete whatever chemical controller went whacko and nearly killed my kiddo.

    I would delete Bieber. Does that make me a Bieleter?

    1. Way to show us up, Ben. Sheesh - all those altruistic and not-at-all-vain deletions. Do-gooder!

  3. Oh Kimberly, if only we could delete cellulite & the OB-Gyn!! I wish I could just wave off all that extra stuff like the stretch marks, loose skin, and droopy breasts. Sigh, instead, I guess I should be grateful no one deleted Spank, make up, & push up bras!

    1. Yes, babies minus the cosmetic changes would be ideal. Luckily, capitalism has us covered! ;)

  4. Yes, I'd love to delete my stretch marks! And right this very second I want to delete the temper tantrum my 2yo is throwing! Or the object that he and my 6yo are fighting over. Might make things simpler

  5. That's a wonderful list of things that should be deleted. I am with you on most if not all of these.

  6. Ooh - the world's clock - timelessness - profound.
    I love your list. Scarily though, I love my dentist! (-:

    1. Oh Ado, dentist scare the bejeezes outta me. I'm glad you like yours.

  7. Yes, I too wish I wouldn't have to go to the dentist and gynecologist!

  8. Timelessness...I love that.
    The word vintage - I would like to delete that for a while. I love vintage, but it is waaay overused these days. Sometimes some things are just old.

    1. He, daughter is very into all things vintage. Maybe if I call myself vintage, she'll think I'm cool, too.

  9. You are brilliant! Timelessness would solve many of my problems. :) You made me giggle with the dichotomy of the dentist vs. the gyno, though.

    And I agree with the provocative shots whole-heartedly! Could we also delete the "bathroom mirror shots?" Ellen

    1. I was thinking of think we'd become uneasy without having deadlines and goals? Hmmmm....

  10. Replies
    1. Hi Michelle. I hope you had your writer's restlessness deleted today. Thinking of you.

  11. I didn't do this one because I was thinking, "I can't have regrets." Then I read yours. Hello ME. What an amazing amazing list. Seriously. Not surprising, of course.

    ~the G is silent

    1. You're awesome. I think you should move here. Bring everyone, the pets, too. We'll make it work.

  12. Oh yes #10! I have not worn a watch since I left the corporate world to be at home. and yet, the clock still tends to dictate my day. I just have to find a clock first. :)

  13. Oh my gosh, how great is this list?!?! I agree and feel the same about every one of these except I'd leave Pinterest, I'm still having too much fun with that one right now :) #3 and #9 - oh how I wish! Great list Kim, hope you had a great Mother's Day as well!

  14. thanks for the reminding me why I thought I was too old for myspace and never joined.

    Loved your list!

  15. guess we have the same genes. I am grateful so far mine have only manifested in a form of chocolate. And ice cream.
    I am with you and behind you on all of these!! Great list Kim!!!

  16. I'm with you on numbers one through ten...except for the Fashion app...haven't found that one, yet. But I've been warned. ~D

  17. Last week's gynecologist visit is now swept under the rug and will be forgotten until I must endure the next year's appointment. So I am on board with the list, how to make the rest disappear???


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