Thursday, May 24, 2012


I need your help!

Last week my laptop crashed.  I hadn’t run a backup since October 2011 and therefore lost a lot of material. 

I am over the loss of several "to-do" lists.  I am slowly getting over the loss of writing and photos.  However, one lost item that causes me to kick myself for procrastinating on running a backup is my schedule of guest bloggers for Wednesday’s Woman.

My trusty Toshiba is in the shop.  I just know I will soon hear that some genius at Staples retrieved my files.  I wait.  I hope.  I wait.

In the meantime, if you are one of the generous bloggers who committed to being a guest for Wednesday’s Woman, please email me with your scheduled date.  Please?

Thank you.

If you are confirmed for “sometime in the fall” or “at the end of June” or some other vague time that I gave you, please email me.  Please?

Thank you.

If you would like to submit a guest post for Wednesday’s Woman and I haven’t contacted you, email me.  Please do not be afraid to be afraid of saying, “Hey, I want to do Wednesday’s Woman!”  I dig enthusiasm and gusto.

Thank you.

Photo Credit:
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Dimitri N. 


  1. Ughhh. Can't help you, but I am SO sorry that happened. Bloggers nightmare. Sad face.
    Hope you do have a good weekend.

  2. I'm on for this Wednesday the 30th. Can you give me your email address so I can send you the post? I'm working on it today.
    I just had my computer crash about a month ago, so I feel for you!! It is such a hassle and puts everything on hold. Computers!! Grrr.

  3. so sorry about the computer! you had said you were scheduled into July...that was as specific as we got when we spoke on it :) I'm game for whenever!!


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